Dear member,
Check the page “News” for some interesting information.
Welcome to the website of ARATCO – Association of Retired Air Traffic Control Officers
ARATCO was founded during the month of november 1979. A brief history by founding member Emile D’Hont and board member Lucienne Thiré can be found on page ‘History”.
Members of ARATCO receive a login to gain access to additional pages with various information.
Board Members
President: Marc Sterckx
Vice-president: Vera Dierck
Secretary: Frank Versteele
Finance: Frieda Dom
Lucienne Thiré
William Bosmans
Marc Janssens
Roland Vanden Broucke
Guido Gernaey
Pierre Sondagh
Philippe Desmet
Marc De Ruyck
René Heins
Luc Caekebeke
This website was first published on 23/4/2017